The rising giant -
that is India

A ring side view of India's fascinating political system and its diverse economy -
exploring history, current policies and challenges. Join us on this journey!

India's Political System

Constitution Matters

The Constitution of India was adopted in 1950 and defines the political framework of the country.

Democratic Republic

India is the world's largest democracy with a bicameral parliamentary system at the federal and state levels.

Rule of Law

The judiciary plays an important role in upholding the rule of law, and the Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal.

Our news

Why the BJP is necessary for India's economic growth?

What has India done to get into the geopolitical spotlight?

Top 10 reasons why India's economy is absolutely flying

Economic Policies and Reforms that drive the new mindset

Issues Facing the Economy that can drag things down

What does the future hold for 1.3 billion Indians

Major Political Parties

Tax organizations are responsible for collecting taxes from individuals, businesses, and other entities in accordance with the tax laws and regulations of their jurisdiction. They develop and implement processes for receiving tax payments, including electronic payment systems, tax filing platforms, and physical collection centers.

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