The Gujarat riots isn’t
what you think

The Gujarat riots was painted as an ethnic cleansing which Prime Minister Modi orchestrated as an act of hate. Modi is seen as the “butcher of Gujarat” and is allegedly the master mind behind the riots. However this is far from the truth.

The Gujarat riots killed nearly 2000 plus people, and more than half of them were muslims. Now let’s look at why the riots really happened. It was a nice morning in Ghodra, Hindus had just finished their pilgrimage and were on a train going home. And suddenly the screams of agony echoed through the state.

The whole train was burned down, more than 1500 people were on the train and some were fighting for their lives, and others died on the spot. Was it an accident? A pre planned attack? The whole state was in shock. It was later discovered that it was a small islamic terrorist mob who were behind this deadly attack on the Hindu community. However these mob members lived amongst the people, hiding in plain sight.

Narendra Modi who was CM at the time wanted a crack down to be conducted on those who were behind the attack. The crackdown began, they ransacked their homes and hit them where it hurt. Now this led to backlash as they were living amongst people, so to the public eye it was as if the government randomly went around terrorising citizens, which clearly wasn’t the case. Because of this, it caught the attention of left wing human rights activists who wanted the right wing government to fall.

So they filed complaints and started protesting. This wasn’t a peaceful protest, they tore down the Indian flags in front of government buildings, ransacked shops. Gujarat was in chaos. Now what should the government do, watch all of this happen, or go in there and fight off any traitors in the country.

However many of the members of public didn’t allow them to get into the residential area where the terrorists were. The Indian infantry had no other option but to barge past, in result killing more than 2000 people. Because many of them were muslims, it was labelled to the media as an ethnic cleansing, an Islamophobic attack to increase Hindu superiority in a Hindu majority country. This was just a step towards peace. This attack killed so many Hindus, yet nobody batted an eye onto it.

And when America killed millions and millions of innocent Iraqi citizens what happened to the human rights activists then? When the UK also aided the war where was the human rights activists then?

The radical left wing media outlets only wants you to believe what best fits their narrative. Media and journalism is there to provide raw facts and truth, not to spark hatred or painting someone as a bad person to suit their own personal agenda.

And because of this, Narendra Modi's visa has been blocked to go to America, but just a couple of days ago Prime minister modi was in America and still is to strengthen diplomatic relations.

At the end the world isn’t stupid and sees through the lies of the radical left. Bharat Mata ki jai (Hail mother India).

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