Why the BJP is necessary for India's economic growth 

Since India's independence it was largely ruled by a party called Congress, but until the past few years there has been a shift in power called the BJP. The BJP which is the party in power in India and one of the major political parties in the world. It is well known for its achievement in making India the fastest growing economy in the world and the most powerful nation in South Asia.

The party is known for its stable power and also its somewhat controversial political and economic decisions. For example during the starting of the war between Russia and Ukraine, most of the world powers were seeing high fuel prices and inflation. And India was about to enter into inflation and high fuel prices as well. However prime minister modi did something nobody saw coming. He bought Russian oil when nobody else was. This made the fuel prices extremely cheap and strengthened political and economic ties with Russia.

However as you might’ve guessed there was a lot of backlash from other countries saying India was helping to fund the war in Ukraine and siding with Russia. However this is far from the truth. Prime Minister Modi was looking out for his country and the people in it. He was looking out for Indians and their best interest. And speaking of money, prime minister modi also did something else nobody saw coming.

Let me explain. Back in 2016, Indian intelligence (RAW) received information that there were millions of fake notes coming into India by terrorists. And during this time of emergency he banned certain notes overnight and introduced new ones until the fake notes were found. And this was highly successful as it prevented the spread of fake notes into India.

Now because of India's exponential economic growth and influence in the geopolitical landscape, more and more countries and different countries are seeding money into India and more companies have their monetary assets and factories in India. This is extremely important for India's GDP, HDI and GDP Per capita in a great way. And because so many countries have their monetary assets in India, this means that it will immediately respond to any tensions between India's neighbours as India doesn’t have the best relationship with its bordering countries.

This means that any sort of tensions would mean other countries money would be at stake. These are just some of the points that the BJP has done to benefit India, and it will continue to serve the people of India as it always has.

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